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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Questions, I've Got Some Questions

1) What do they call days that are basically filled of sorrow and remembrance of a loved one "passing away"? It's not an anniversary (weird) and "memorial" is just too...too. So, what then? Day of Remembrance? How about, The-day-my-friend-got-shot-in-Iraq-because-of-some-stupid-fuck?

Either way, RIP just doesn't cover it. The entirety of fall just sucks. Great weather, great colors and great food, holidays, blah blah but...the rest of it? I don't think a time machine would even cover it. Or, hell, that device they used in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

Then again, I don't want to forget either of them.

2) Why is it that as soon as someone majorly fucks up either in your family or in a tight-knit group of friends, it's nearly impossible to recover that person for the outsider who, you know, forgave them and all? My prime example will be known as Orlando Bloom simply because he looked like him (except not really). I can't find the guy anywhere and I do mean anywhere and everywhere. I like to think my stalking skills are pretty high but alas, it seems as though this one's a bit elusive. Which is especially upsetting when all I want to do is make fun of him.

Valid reason, right?

3) Why do people invent food like Doritos and then expect you to eat them without getting any cheese dust ALL OVER YOUR FUCKING CLOTHES.

I don't understand.

All of these are, of course, up for debate.

(Because I have so many readers.)


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