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Monday, August 11, 2008
Sunday, June 1, 2008
A Long-Lost Blogger Just Wanted to Say, "Hello"
That was your cue to say, "You had me at 'long-lost blogger'!"
(You know, instead of 'You had me at hello'?" Heh.)
Anyway, not much has been going on BUTTTT...I have a semi-review for anyone who's interested!
Okay, so, I've never been a big Sex in the City fan. Heck, I've only seen the show maybe once. In any case, I saw the new flick that hit theaters Friday and oh, did I make a mistake in skipping out on the show! I admit, I'm a bit judgemental but can you blame me? The crap that goes around TVs these days is ridiculous.
All-in-all, the film was pretty damn cute. No joke. There were surprises, great fashion (of course, right?), and not to mention fantastic drama! Plus, it wouldn't hurt to say that most of it was pretty realistic. Except for the fact that most people aren't all that rich, right?
Anyway, I give it 4 stars. What can I say? The movie actually made me feel good, you know? Sometimes, there's that one movie that makes you feel grateful for the things you have and the people you know and love. Well, that's what Sex in the City did for me, Jacks.
I bet Love Actually might do the same to me too. I'll get all sappy and teary, thanking God for all that He's given me. It sucks that it has to be a movie that does that.
So, because I'm feeling all sweet and generous, I'll part with another little Jacks-gift that only screams ME:
(You know, instead of 'You had me at hello'?" Heh.)
Anyway, not much has been going on BUTTTT...I have a semi-review for anyone who's interested!
Okay, so, I've never been a big Sex in the City fan. Heck, I've only seen the show maybe once. In any case, I saw the new flick that hit theaters Friday and oh, did I make a mistake in skipping out on the show! I admit, I'm a bit judgemental but can you blame me? The crap that goes around TVs these days is ridiculous.
All-in-all, the film was pretty damn cute. No joke. There were surprises, great fashion (of course, right?), and not to mention fantastic drama! Plus, it wouldn't hurt to say that most of it was pretty realistic. Except for the fact that most people aren't all that rich, right?
Anyway, I give it 4 stars. What can I say? The movie actually made me feel good, you know? Sometimes, there's that one movie that makes you feel grateful for the things you have and the people you know and love. Well, that's what Sex in the City did for me, Jacks.
I bet Love Actually might do the same to me too. I'll get all sappy and teary, thanking God for all that He's given me. It sucks that it has to be a movie that does that.
So, because I'm feeling all sweet and generous, I'll part with another little Jacks-gift that only screams ME:
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Working Class Heroine?
Hmm, don't think so. I believe you have to not be selfish, you can't complain about the hard nights and the long hours, and suck up all the demands, the rules, the horrible uniforms.
So, then, although I'm in the working class now, why can't I manage to be a heroine?
I'm sure its no big deal and really, its not such a hard descision but -- why do I feel so guilty about thinking about quitting? I've been thinking about it for ages. AMC just isn't my cup of tea. I can't help that. I can't help that my grades are dropping. Okay, so that's a lie but you know how it goes. Teachers/tests/homework form one gigantic migraine of a duty.
I couldn't help hearing the relunctance and disappointment in my parents' voices as they soothed my worries with the words, "Maybe you should quit."
I couldn't help but suddenly contemplate worse depressions than the ones previously when I decided to share my wealth. I mean, what would happen when I wouldn't have wealth to share?
I'm so confused. I feel ten years older than I am. Why can't I just stop complaining, face reality, and accept that maybe, AMC and work isn't as painful as I once thought.
But isn't it? Haven't I had panic attacks and numerous nights of crap?
Currently, I'm sighing and pondering and listening to the joyful fiddle in the song "Seven Deadly Sins" by Flogging Molly.
Its not really helping. But I'm not really depressed; just weighted down with numerous worries and thoughts. Deadlines.
Anyway, its getting late and I'm supposed to be re-examining my health.
So, then, although I'm in the working class now, why can't I manage to be a heroine?
I'm sure its no big deal and really, its not such a hard descision but -- why do I feel so guilty about thinking about quitting? I've been thinking about it for ages. AMC just isn't my cup of tea. I can't help that. I can't help that my grades are dropping. Okay, so that's a lie but you know how it goes. Teachers/tests/homework form one gigantic migraine of a duty.
I couldn't help hearing the relunctance and disappointment in my parents' voices as they soothed my worries with the words, "Maybe you should quit."
I couldn't help but suddenly contemplate worse depressions than the ones previously when I decided to share my wealth. I mean, what would happen when I wouldn't have wealth to share?
I'm so confused. I feel ten years older than I am. Why can't I just stop complaining, face reality, and accept that maybe, AMC and work isn't as painful as I once thought.
But isn't it? Haven't I had panic attacks and numerous nights of crap?
Currently, I'm sighing and pondering and listening to the joyful fiddle in the song "Seven Deadly Sins" by Flogging Molly.
Its not really helping. But I'm not really depressed; just weighted down with numerous worries and thoughts. Deadlines.
Anyway, its getting late and I'm supposed to be re-examining my health.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Is America Getting Dumber?
So I was looking around the interweb for an article to balance the article Mr. Nesbitt gave us. This website is one of the funny/sarcastic ones I found that completely agreed:
My particular favorite part of the article had to have been this picture:

Wow. Its funny because its true!
Anyway, get back to your homework!
My particular favorite part of the article had to have been this picture:

Wow. Its funny because its true!
Anyway, get back to your homework!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
I Have One Word for You, Zachary Stockdale.
I thought I was going to die laughing.
Not only is he pretty freakin' cute, he's hilarious. What a great combo :]
This is what Jacks has been living on for, I don't know, 6 weeks?

Mmm...watery? Well, okay, so that AND food but you know what I mean. Lent season and all that.
How's everyone's Spring Break been going along? What was that? Bad, huh? Sucks to be you.
I thought I was going to die laughing.
Not only is he pretty freakin' cute, he's hilarious. What a great combo :]
This is what Jacks has been living on for, I don't know, 6 weeks?
Mmm...watery? Well, okay, so that AND food but you know what I mean. Lent season and all that.
How's everyone's Spring Break been going along? What was that? Bad, huh? Sucks to be you.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Wishing for a Wish-Wosh
Today was an unusually strange day because
a) It involved me visualizing what it'd be like to kill a certain annoying someone
b) I visualized killing someone after that but this time it was scarier and not as silly
c) I was all judgemental and mean to freshmen in general
and d) I just tried buying an "explicit" song off of iTunes but, I was unsuccessful. It knew my age therefore it said it'd delete my account if I tried buying it. Oh, and for your information, it wasn't anything dirty! Just "19-2000" by the Gorillaz. Sheesh.
Anyway, it was sometimes hilarious, sometimes scary, sometimes horribly real. It kinda reminds me of the beginning of a story I was going to write:
Just a silly little blurb, nothin' special.
By the way, I haven't finished the playlist just yet. I'm trying to make it look perfect for you devotees out there! Its coming along though, sorta like that train heading toward your house.
I don't know.
I have a request for all of you. Starting now, I'll be excepting any response to the below situation/question. Really think about it, folks, mmkay?
Don't ask why I'm asking, I'm just curious. *cue evil grin*
Now, to boost your self-esteem:

Feel better?
To sum up this entry, let me just say that we're all human. Human = sin = sometimes we wish people were dead, right? I'm not saying its good or excuseable, just that it happens and I sort of just realized that I shouldn't stress but pray and ask God for guidance.
*whew* I feel better.
Time to wish for sleep. Hopefully all this wishing will get me somewhere.
a) It involved me visualizing what it'd be like to kill a certain annoying someone
b) I visualized killing someone after that but this time it was scarier and not as silly
c) I was all judgemental and mean to freshmen in general
and d) I just tried buying an "explicit" song off of iTunes but, I was unsuccessful. It knew my age therefore it said it'd delete my account if I tried buying it. Oh, and for your information, it wasn't anything dirty! Just "19-2000" by the Gorillaz. Sheesh.
Anyway, it was sometimes hilarious, sometimes scary, sometimes horribly real. It kinda reminds me of the beginning of a story I was going to write:
If you want to know something that most everyone in the world thinks about on a daily basis, then don’t look farther than this book. It may seem shocking and you will most likely gasp and refuse to read the rest of my story but, just give it a shot.
At this moment, maybe the other day as you sat agitated in traffic, or maybe only at night when you want to be alone, you are wishing someone was dead.
Now, don’t try and deny it. At some point in your unhappy little life, you relished the thought of your annyoing co-worker or embaressing mother-in-law keeling over, kicking the bucket, whatever.
C’mon, admit it! There you go. Feel better? Thought so.
Well, now that we’ve got trust established, I’ll make my own confession: One day I wished that Carter St. Claire was dead.
I know what you’re thinking; why in the world would anyone put on paper who they wanted to die? Shouldn’t that be something you keep inside your head as a secret? Its like handing yourself over to the police, asking them to cuff you!
To me, this is no biggie. I’m not turning myself in but the fact of the matter is that Carter St. Claire is dead and to make matters worse, I was blamed for his death.
Sure, I seem like a probable suspect. Heck, I’ve got the motive (more on that later), I’ve got the time, maybe I even have the means. But there’s a slight problem.
I didn’t kill Carter St. Claire.
In fact, I barely knew him. The only reason I hated him, cursed him, and hoped he’d have a miserable exsistence that would last for centuries in hell so I could move on was because he killed my mom.
No one ever proved it but I saw him. I was a witness though I never took the stand.
It was known as a robbery gone wrong with his lawyers playing along just to save his ass because a) everyone knew he did it but b) he was filthy rich and paid off (or whacked off, depending) the people who tried to rat him out.
Then why was he trying to rob my house that horrible night, you ask? Supposedly, she had a rare jewel, maybe even a rare map Carter could bring home to daddy to only improve his family’s legacy but neither were true.
Carter had broken into my house and killed my mother because they both loved me but, Carter didn’t have me.
So, that night, when I saw him withdrawing from my mother’s body outside my door, clutching a blood-stained knife, his face stricken with shock, and his hands shaking in terror, how could I escape testifying in court?
Because Carter kidnapped me.
I managed to get away but you see, Carter didn’t fit his brother, Harrison, into the equation. Oops, right?
Just a silly little blurb, nothin' special.
By the way, I haven't finished the playlist just yet. I'm trying to make it look perfect for you devotees out there! Its coming along though, sorta like that train heading toward your house.
I don't know.
I have a request for all of you. Starting now, I'll be excepting any response to the below situation/question. Really think about it, folks, mmkay?
If you had one wish in the entire world and since you were a hopeles romantic you wished for all your past crushes/lovers to love you back, would you panic when they all came up to you professing love that was brought on because of a wish (so then it'd practically be fake) or would you take the oppurtunity to be in a relationship with any one of those lovers?
Don't ask why I'm asking, I'm just curious. *cue evil grin*
Now, to boost your self-esteem:
Feel better?
To sum up this entry, let me just say that we're all human. Human = sin = sometimes we wish people were dead, right? I'm not saying its good or excuseable, just that it happens and I sort of just realized that I shouldn't stress but pray and ask God for guidance.
*whew* I feel better.
Time to wish for sleep. Hopefully all this wishing will get me somewhere.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
I Fell Asleep in My Shoes
I think maybe if I was a horse, life would be a lot better. Maybe more easy, more determined, more set. I mean, horses really have one goal in life: to survive. It's the same for all animals. Plus, I'm pretty sure they sleep in their shoes all the time -- horse shoes, that is.
A certain best friend thinks I'm crazy.
In other news, I'm currently writing lyrics to a song that a lesser-known musician has already recorded the instrumental for. His name is Joe Darbyshire and he's from Manchester, England. Go look him up on myspace, I say! He's pretty uh-MAZE-ing. Anywho, the instrumental is very moving and I'm hoping I can write sufficient words to go along with it -- a challenge in and of itself. Usually, or from my own experience, lyrics are written first and a sort of melody is later discovered. Apparently not in this case! Its sorta hard (haha, that's what she said!) but I like it all the same. Maybe a future career in the works? That is, if I do well. I sent him a rough draft but it kinda sucked. I wish we could meet...discuss the music...have a heart-to-heart...ya know...
*ahem* Sorry, you can ignore all of that last part.
Anyway, I missed school yesterday! It was prettay shweet because:
a) I slept in till 11:30am
b) I got another best friend to turn in a paper for me so i wouldn't have to worry about it. Ha.
c) Watched Troy and fell in love with the character of Briseis. She was soooo cool! Like, if I was a person in that time period, I'd totally be her. She was brave, prettier than Helen, had sex with Achilles, and although she believed in the "gods", to me, it'd be just the ONE GOD. So, aka, she's me. Haha. (although I'm not as pretty or brave...ah well).
d) I did the dishes for me madre :D
and e) Tried catching up on The Great Gatsby (hey! I'm on chapter 4 people!)
So, all-in-all, I had a pretty swell day and now, apparently, my best friends are planning a sleep-over thing for my birfday! Dear Lord, I feel like a biotch. I mean, I hardly do anything special, I'm terrible at giving gifts, planning parties, or comforting people. Basically, all I can do is make jokes. Cheer you up. Whatever. Gah, I'm a horrible friend.
Another realization: I don't have a crush on anyone. Once again, its a little scary. Call me superficial, but I believe life runs a little dreamier when you've got a cute boy in sight.
Just for your information, this is what cookies look like when they are baking:

Just thought you should know.
A huge playlist courtesy of THE best playlist website. I used to think was until it shut down multiple times, disgracing it forever.
Well, its time to wrap up in a huge Jacks enchilada. G'night, folks!
A certain best friend thinks I'm crazy.
In other news, I'm currently writing lyrics to a song that a lesser-known musician has already recorded the instrumental for. His name is Joe Darbyshire and he's from Manchester, England. Go look him up on myspace, I say! He's pretty uh-MAZE-ing. Anywho, the instrumental is very moving and I'm hoping I can write sufficient words to go along with it -- a challenge in and of itself. Usually, or from my own experience, lyrics are written first and a sort of melody is later discovered. Apparently not in this case! Its sorta hard (haha, that's what she said!) but I like it all the same. Maybe a future career in the works? That is, if I do well. I sent him a rough draft but it kinda sucked. I wish we could meet...discuss the music...have a heart-to-heart...ya know...
*ahem* Sorry, you can ignore all of that last part.
Anyway, I missed school yesterday! It was prettay shweet because:
a) I slept in till 11:30am
b) I got another best friend to turn in a paper for me so i wouldn't have to worry about it. Ha.
c) Watched Troy and fell in love with the character of Briseis. She was soooo cool! Like, if I was a person in that time period, I'd totally be her. She was brave, prettier than Helen, had sex with Achilles, and although she believed in the "gods", to me, it'd be just the ONE GOD. So, aka, she's me. Haha. (although I'm not as pretty or brave...ah well).
d) I did the dishes for me madre :D
and e) Tried catching up on The Great Gatsby (hey! I'm on chapter 4 people!)
So, all-in-all, I had a pretty swell day and now, apparently, my best friends are planning a sleep-over thing for my birfday! Dear Lord, I feel like a biotch. I mean, I hardly do anything special, I'm terrible at giving gifts, planning parties, or comforting people. Basically, all I can do is make jokes. Cheer you up. Whatever. Gah, I'm a horrible friend.
Another realization: I don't have a crush on anyone. Once again, its a little scary. Call me superficial, but I believe life runs a little dreamier when you've got a cute boy in sight.
Just for your information, this is what cookies look like when they are baking:
Just thought you should know.
A huge playlist courtesy of THE best playlist website. I used to think was until it shut down multiple times, disgracing it forever.
Well, its time to wrap up in a huge Jacks enchilada. G'night, folks!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
"Stress" Rhymes With "Mess"
...and stress is a mess. Ha.
No, seriously. I was so out of my mind this morning. I couldn't handle anymore work, anymore disappointment. I went into physics tutoring after discovering that hey! we've got a book assignment due today! Oops! Yeah, no one had really heard of it except maybe once (harsh reality, I know. I don't need to hear anymore life lessons, k?) Anyway, I went in and guess what? My teacher makes me feel like a complete dumb***. It sucked. I almost cried. I felt like curling up in a ball and bawling my eyes out.
Long story short: I didn't. But when I finally got home and wrote down exactly what I need to do today, this week, this month...I realized I could handle it.
School brings out the worst in me.
Here's a video that'll further cheer the mood! If there were ever a video/song combination that would describe me, it'd be this:
Truly, I don't understand why people have to fight. <---(I know, completely random but what can I say?) Its stupid, gets you practically no where, hurts people's feelings or causes them injury...there are so many in the world can someone just ignore those and just jump to conclusions? Just go right in and argue and fight and cause so much damage?
I don't know. I may sound like a hypocrite but these are just my views; you can ignore them, I promise :]
In other news, I was inspired Sunday by a wonderful Muslim convert, Reverend Karim Buduoai (<---most likely spelled wrong). He spoke at our church, telling stories and talking about how important bringing others the good news is. Plus ten for him too because he never said once that we should push religion onto people. We should form friendships, trust, love and all that before we can talk about Lutheranism (what I am and what he converted to).
After Bible study I nervously approached him and told him that he definitely inspired me and I was curious if he needed help at ESL classes. He gave me one of those nice side-hugs and said, "I really appreciate that!". He then gave me a sheet of paper to get my info (number, email) and said he hoped he'd see me soon.
I don't know why I did what I did. It suddenly just felt right, you know? I was almost doubting myself but my heart urged me on.
Is this a sign?
No, seriously. I was so out of my mind this morning. I couldn't handle anymore work, anymore disappointment. I went into physics tutoring after discovering that hey! we've got a book assignment due today! Oops! Yeah, no one had really heard of it except maybe once (harsh reality, I know. I don't need to hear anymore life lessons, k?) Anyway, I went in and guess what? My teacher makes me feel like a complete dumb***. It sucked. I almost cried. I felt like curling up in a ball and bawling my eyes out.
Long story short: I didn't. But when I finally got home and wrote down exactly what I need to do today, this week, this month...I realized I could handle it.
School brings out the worst in me.
Here's a video that'll further cheer the mood! If there were ever a video/song combination that would describe me, it'd be this:
Truly, I don't understand why people have to fight. <---(I know, completely random but what can I say?) Its stupid, gets you practically no where, hurts people's feelings or causes them injury...there are so many in the world can someone just ignore those and just jump to conclusions? Just go right in and argue and fight and cause so much damage?
I don't know. I may sound like a hypocrite but these are just my views; you can ignore them, I promise :]
In other news, I was inspired Sunday by a wonderful Muslim convert, Reverend Karim Buduoai (<---most likely spelled wrong). He spoke at our church, telling stories and talking about how important bringing others the good news is. Plus ten for him too because he never said once that we should push religion onto people. We should form friendships, trust, love and all that before we can talk about Lutheranism (what I am and what he converted to).
After Bible study I nervously approached him and told him that he definitely inspired me and I was curious if he needed help at ESL classes. He gave me one of those nice side-hugs and said, "I really appreciate that!". He then gave me a sheet of paper to get my info (number, email) and said he hoped he'd see me soon.
I don't know why I did what I did. It suddenly just felt right, you know? I was almost doubting myself but my heart urged me on.
Is this a sign?
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
2 + 2 = 5
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Be Jealous: I Walked Barefoot Outside
Cold Hands
The cold hands that silenced my lips
Stiff and bare
You wiped away the tears that formed
Under my eyes
But struck them into cold ice
Those cold hands
You worked with a hard glance
To my face
I felt naked as you caressed my warm skin
Freezing the hair that prickled
Those cold hands
I don't know if I should
I promised I would
Those cold hands
Will freeze my heart
What do you think? Orginally, it was a song. Totally don't remember writing it. The point of posting was to ask what everyone thinks because I was gonna do this contest where they pick the best poem written by a teenager for different amounts of scholarships so, duh, I thought I should give it a shot. :]
Here's a suggestion to film fanatics: watch the movie Peaceful Warrior. I was sitting there, partly weirded out, mostly amazed at all the wisdom they were trying to share. Basically, its a film on life's lesson and what I thought was the main idea of the story (based on a true events, no less):
"The journey is what brings us happiness not the destination."
As said by the main character, Dan Millman. A very thought-provoking movie and I highly recommend taking some time out for it. It'll make you want to take another look at your life.
Anyway, enough about praising works of art. Here's my list of concerts I desperately must attend!
The Bravery @ The Granada -- Feb. 6th
Jon Cook @ The Door -- Feb. 14th
We Shot the Moon @ The Door -- Feb. 15th
Black and White Years @ Stubb's -- Feb. 22th
The Redwalls @ Lola's -- Feb. 27th
The Jonas Brothers @ Nokia -- Feb. 28th
Feist @ Palladium Ballroom -- April 16th
Man, I'm so excited. If only Sondre Lerche and Led Zeppelin came back, then everything would be perfect.
Oh, yeah, and if the Beatles were all alive.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
5 Seconds Ago, Time Stopped
You know how you feel when you realize you were wrong about something? Let's say you were convinced that "inquiries" was pronounced a certain way when really, it was pronounced completely different. You feel stupid, ignorant, unimportant, and just wrong, right?
Similarly, I feel that way. According to what life teaches us, we've gone through the motions, not really realizing that the things you've been doing were not necessarily wrong just...silly. Useless. Not you.
I feel like an ice cube tray. I was poured into a mold and just when I thought I was comfy, someone bent the tray and I cracked; I broke away from my home and suddenly, I was being shaken into a glass of grape Koolaid. Its weird but it better mean something like maybe I'm going toward that part of my life where I'll overcome innocence? brain hurts.
Have you ever wondered what my soul looks like?

Its not exact but I can imagine it looks a lot like this.
Being on my school's newspaper staff, I'm a bit worried about a certain best friend who's been placed in charge - as opposed to the usual chief editor. Its bad putting someone else in charge when we're going to press in the next week or so *cough HACK*.
But then again, no one ever listens to Jacks, right?
By the way, to anyone who's interested, I'll be posting up the general synopsis of a series I'll be writing someday soon. It'll probably sound a lot like Fight Club being that the books will be called The Hit Club but I'm thinking I'll have to change that...anyway, its not fully developed nor is it all that original. Just a plot, characters, and what have you. Hopefully, it'll also sound a bit like this other series I've gotten into.

I'm pretty sure anyone of you devoted fans have seen me around the halls, tripping over people because I was walking while reading. [Note to self: don't walk around a crowded hallway with a book in front of your face.]
But basically, the books are centered around a group of kids - what my books will sorta be like. I came up with it forever and a day ago but just now realized the potential. Old stuff is awesome, no? :]
Anyway, school's in session and apparently you have to pay attention (I did not know this!) so, gotta run!
Similarly, I feel that way. According to what life teaches us, we've gone through the motions, not really realizing that the things you've been doing were not necessarily wrong just...silly. Useless. Not you.
I feel like an ice cube tray. I was poured into a mold and just when I thought I was comfy, someone bent the tray and I cracked; I broke away from my home and suddenly, I was being shaken into a glass of grape Koolaid. Its weird but it better mean something like maybe I'm going toward that part of my life where I'll overcome innocence? brain hurts.
Have you ever wondered what my soul looks like?
Its not exact but I can imagine it looks a lot like this.
Being on my school's newspaper staff, I'm a bit worried about a certain best friend who's been placed in charge - as opposed to the usual chief editor. Its bad putting someone else in charge when we're going to press in the next week or so *cough HACK*.
But then again, no one ever listens to Jacks, right?
By the way, to anyone who's interested, I'll be posting up the general synopsis of a series I'll be writing someday soon. It'll probably sound a lot like Fight Club being that the books will be called The Hit Club but I'm thinking I'll have to change that...anyway, its not fully developed nor is it all that original. Just a plot, characters, and what have you. Hopefully, it'll also sound a bit like this other series I've gotten into.
I'm pretty sure anyone of you devoted fans have seen me around the halls, tripping over people because I was walking while reading. [Note to self: don't walk around a crowded hallway with a book in front of your face.]
But basically, the books are centered around a group of kids - what my books will sorta be like. I came up with it forever and a day ago but just now realized the potential. Old stuff is awesome, no? :]
Anyway, school's in session and apparently you have to pay attention (I did not know this!) so, gotta run!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Was That a Spark of Excitement in Your Eye?
Now, I know you've been looking forward to a blog like this all your life. I'm sure not too long ago, you were wistfully browsing the interweb couldn't find a single interesting thing, right?
Well, kids. I think you've just stumbled upon a magnificient discovery!
Okay, maybe not but heck, this is close enough.
Let's see, especially for your viewing pleasure I'll give ya a heads up on what's to come:
1. News [it'll probably be boring and not at all interesting but c'mon, i'm sure someone out there is interested...*cough* like my stalker *cough*]
2. Music [new stuff you might enjoy, upcoming concerts...stuff like that. I'm hoping that'll be my biggest hit because apparently, I've got taste (thanks, Erin!) so I'll give you guys some opinions]
3. Movies [if you haven't heard it from millions of magazines and the E! network already, well here's my smart-alecky take on everything from new hits to...celebrity news, I guess?]
4. Art [and when I say "art" I actually mean poems, stories (fully developed or no), strange twists on popular philsophies, photos...whatever. All here]
So, how does it sound? Good? Bad? Pointless? What's another blog in the stream of other blog-fish? I'd like to say mine will be more worthwhile
Hugs and kisses (believe me when I say I'll come up with some clever ending to these things),
P.S It'd also be pretty sweet if this thing became more worldwide and people started asking for advice on world issues, boys, parents...whatever. I'd like to say that I've got experience (siblings + church + God = caring and slightly sympathetic advice) so drop a line or two and I'll try and give you SOMETHING.
Well, kids. I think you've just stumbled upon a magnificient discovery!
Okay, maybe not but heck, this is close enough.
Let's see, especially for your viewing pleasure I'll give ya a heads up on what's to come:
1. News [it'll probably be boring and not at all interesting but c'mon, i'm sure someone out there is interested...*cough* like my stalker *cough*]
2. Music [new stuff you might enjoy, upcoming concerts...stuff like that. I'm hoping that'll be my biggest hit because apparently, I've got taste (thanks, Erin!) so I'll give you guys some opinions]
3. Movies [if you haven't heard it from millions of magazines and the E! network already, well here's my smart-alecky take on everything from new hits to...celebrity news, I guess?]
4. Art [and when I say "art" I actually mean poems, stories (fully developed or no), strange twists on popular philsophies, photos...whatever. All here]
So, how does it sound? Good? Bad? Pointless? What's another blog in the stream of other blog-fish? I'd like to say mine will be more worthwhile
Hugs and kisses (believe me when I say I'll come up with some clever ending to these things),
P.S It'd also be pretty sweet if this thing became more worldwide and people started asking for advice on world issues, boys, parents...whatever. I'd like to say that I've got experience (siblings + church + God = caring and slightly sympathetic advice) so drop a line or two and I'll try and give you SOMETHING.
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