a) It involved me visualizing what it'd be like to kill a certain annoying someone
b) I visualized killing someone after that but this time it was scarier and not as silly
c) I was all judgemental and mean to freshmen in general
and d) I just tried buying an "explicit" song off of iTunes but, I was unsuccessful. It knew my age therefore it said it'd delete my account if I tried buying it. Oh, and for your information, it wasn't anything dirty! Just "19-2000" by the Gorillaz. Sheesh.
Anyway, it was sometimes hilarious, sometimes scary, sometimes horribly real. It kinda reminds me of the beginning of a story I was going to write:
If you want to know something that most everyone in the world thinks about on a daily basis, then don’t look farther than this book. It may seem shocking and you will most likely gasp and refuse to read the rest of my story but, just give it a shot.
At this moment, maybe the other day as you sat agitated in traffic, or maybe only at night when you want to be alone, you are wishing someone was dead.
Now, don’t try and deny it. At some point in your unhappy little life, you relished the thought of your annyoing co-worker or embaressing mother-in-law keeling over, kicking the bucket, whatever.
C’mon, admit it! There you go. Feel better? Thought so.
Well, now that we’ve got trust established, I’ll make my own confession: One day I wished that Carter St. Claire was dead.
I know what you’re thinking; why in the world would anyone put on paper who they wanted to die? Shouldn’t that be something you keep inside your head as a secret? Its like handing yourself over to the police, asking them to cuff you!
To me, this is no biggie. I’m not turning myself in but the fact of the matter is that Carter St. Claire is dead and to make matters worse, I was blamed for his death.
Sure, I seem like a probable suspect. Heck, I’ve got the motive (more on that later), I’ve got the time, maybe I even have the means. But there’s a slight problem.
I didn’t kill Carter St. Claire.
In fact, I barely knew him. The only reason I hated him, cursed him, and hoped he’d have a miserable exsistence that would last for centuries in hell so I could move on was because he killed my mom.
No one ever proved it but I saw him. I was a witness though I never took the stand.
It was known as a robbery gone wrong with his lawyers playing along just to save his ass because a) everyone knew he did it but b) he was filthy rich and paid off (or whacked off, depending) the people who tried to rat him out.
Then why was he trying to rob my house that horrible night, you ask? Supposedly, she had a rare jewel, maybe even a rare map Carter could bring home to daddy to only improve his family’s legacy but neither were true.
Carter had broken into my house and killed my mother because they both loved me but, Carter didn’t have me.
So, that night, when I saw him withdrawing from my mother’s body outside my door, clutching a blood-stained knife, his face stricken with shock, and his hands shaking in terror, how could I escape testifying in court?
Because Carter kidnapped me.
I managed to get away but you see, Carter didn’t fit his brother, Harrison, into the equation. Oops, right?
Just a silly little blurb, nothin' special.
By the way, I haven't finished the playlist just yet. I'm trying to make it look perfect for you devotees out there! Its coming along though, sorta like that train heading toward your house.
I don't know.
I have a request for all of you. Starting now, I'll be excepting any response to the below situation/question. Really think about it, folks, mmkay?
If you had one wish in the entire world and since you were a hopeles romantic you wished for all your past crushes/lovers to love you back, would you panic when they all came up to you professing love that was brought on because of a wish (so then it'd practically be fake) or would you take the oppurtunity to be in a relationship with any one of those lovers?
Don't ask why I'm asking, I'm just curious. *cue evil grin*
Now, to boost your self-esteem:
Feel better?
To sum up this entry, let me just say that we're all human. Human = sin = sometimes we wish people were dead, right? I'm not saying its good or excuseable, just that it happens and I sort of just realized that I shouldn't stress but pray and ask God for guidance.
*whew* I feel better.
Time to wish for sleep. Hopefully all this wishing will get me somewhere.
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