A certain best friend thinks I'm crazy.
In other news, I'm currently writing lyrics to a song that a lesser-known musician has already recorded the instrumental for. His name is Joe Darbyshire and he's from Manchester, England. Go look him up on myspace, I say! He's pretty uh-MAZE-ing. Anywho, the instrumental is very moving and I'm hoping I can write sufficient words to go along with it -- a challenge in and of itself. Usually, or from my own experience, lyrics are written first and a sort of melody is later discovered. Apparently not in this case! Its sorta hard (haha, that's what she said!) but I like it all the same. Maybe a future career in the works? That is, if I do well. I sent him a rough draft but it kinda sucked. I wish we could meet...discuss the music...have a heart-to-heart...ya know...
*ahem* Sorry, you can ignore all of that last part.
Anyway, I missed school yesterday! It was prettay shweet because:
a) I slept in till 11:30am
b) I got another best friend to turn in a paper for me so i wouldn't have to worry about it. Ha.
c) Watched Troy and fell in love with the character of Briseis. She was soooo cool! Like, if I was a person in that time period, I'd totally be her. She was brave, prettier than Helen, had sex with Achilles, and although she believed in the "gods", to me, it'd be just the ONE GOD. So, aka, she's me. Haha. (although I'm not as pretty or brave...ah well).
d) I did the dishes for me madre :D
and e) Tried catching up on The Great Gatsby (hey! I'm on chapter 4 people!)
So, all-in-all, I had a pretty swell day and now, apparently, my best friends are planning a sleep-over thing for my birfday! Dear Lord, I feel like a biotch. I mean, I hardly do anything special, I'm terrible at giving gifts, planning parties, or comforting people. Basically, all I can do is make jokes. Cheer you up. Whatever. Gah, I'm a horrible friend.
Another realization: I don't have a crush on anyone. Once again, its a little scary. Call me superficial, but I believe life runs a little dreamier when you've got a cute boy in sight.
Just for your information, this is what cookies look like when they are baking:
Just thought you should know.
A huge playlist courtesy of http://www.projectplaylist.com THE best playlist website. I used to think http://www.radioblogclub.com was until it shut down multiple times, disgracing it forever.
Well, its time to wrap up in a huge Jacks enchilada. G'night, folks!
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