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Monday, November 28, 2011

I Have the Tendency of Getting Very Physical

As in, "I-love-exercise!" physical.

But you knew that already.

Okay, so here's the thing for this blog entry: I'm going to sort out all my goals so that when I come on here and re-read my entries because I'm just that egotistical, I will find this one and say, "Oh dear me, I never did accomplish any of these things" or laugh condescendingly and pat myself on the back because I most likely have done at least one since.

Alright, here goes nothing.

1. Get fit. And by fit, I mean in all ways. Physical, mental...whatever other area you can become fit in. I just want to be healthy. Feel good. Look good by my own standards. All sorts of things. Also, I'd like to be fit enough so I can jump over a fence. Why this is important, I'm not sure yet but you never know when you might need an advantage over the police. Or, you know, crazy people who are trying to attack you.

2. Fix up my novel. Or turn it into a screenplay. Either way, accomplish more in all writing endeavors so that I can actually say I'm published. Or at least write something every day. Every other day. Whatever.

3. Fix up my wardrobe. This may take months or even years. Also depends on how I get with the whole "fit" thing.

4. In the short term, Christmas shop. I'm terrible with presents so it'd be nice to take some time out and I don't know, actually give people presents besides mix CDs. Unless they like them. In which case, they'll be getting mix CDs galore as well as brownies.

5. Get a fucking license already.

6. Learn how to DJ. Enough said.

7. Figure out what the hell I want to do in life.

8. Get more experience in various fields with the help of books/classes/jobs and the like.

9. Be more adventurous/caring/social/helpful/fjldsjflkjsljfd - lots of things. Suddenly this is turning into a New Years' Resolutions list. Ah well.

Well, that's about it so far. I'll probably add more later.

In the meantime, so this entry won't be completely useless, here's a picture of James Dean:

Can he be my other goal?


Friday, November 18, 2011

Life's Like an Hourglass, Glued to the Table

The title of this blog is a bit more obvious than the others but basically, almost every one of these blogs has been titled after a song lyric.

Super creative, I know.

Now, I wanted to discuss a problem I'm having at the moment. It's a bit like writer's block but not at the same time. I just have all of these ideas locked in my head, waiting to be set free but I can't even begin to start. I can feel it though. The words are whispers in my ears, the thrill tickles my fingers and my whole body hums with anticipation for the release. The inevitable release of characters, plot, detail. I want to write it all. I want to say so much in a span of just over 400 pages or so. I want to take you farther than you can ever imagine. Sob in agony. Laugh in jubilation.

For some time, I've known that's what I was meant to do. That the secret to my joy for the rest of my life could be summed up in just two images:


Seriously. Nothing grants more pleasure than the sight of either of those two things for me.

In fact, I actually started to cry after watching this week's Criminal Minds at my other job because of this quote:

Find a place inside where there's joy, and the joy will burn out the pain. -Joseph Campbell

This also happens to be the man who also famously said, "Follow your bliss." Both of these wrench my heart like nothing I've heard in a while and I cannot begin to explain why besides the obvious: I've been neglecting everything I love to do. Well, sort of anyway. Been watching a lot of movies so...there's that.

And no matter how much joy I have upon seeing those above images, my head is loaded with so many thoughts, it looks like a busy city street. I can't focus in class, at work, at home. Someone may have to cart me off to the loony bin if this keeps persisting.

I'm hoping Thanksgiving will help. I've had loads of time on my hands, really, so that's not really it. Not sure what is actually preventing me from writing out exactly what I'm thinking. Especially when I've got all these jumbled emotions, making it hard for me to take a full breath. Usually, writing is the only solution. Lately, the solution (though not a very good one, admittedly) is:

Yep. Another new obsession. No surprises there.

I just hope that eventually, I can put a lid to all the distractions and write them out instead. Clearly, I'm not in touch with how I'm feeling. At all. I've got the same emotional scope as, say, a deer. One moment I'm dawdling about the forest and then - boom, there's a car's headlights and expectant looks.

Funny, I just had a talk about expectations and that I'm the girl you should never expect anything from.


And now I've completely strayed away from the original thought I was having so...
