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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Gimme a ticket for an aeroplane, ain't got time to take a fast train...

That's right, just quoted "The Letter" by the Boxtops. I hope you're judging me.

So. It's been oh a year or so. A shit ton has changed and mind you, I never use shit ton unless it really was a shit ton. Lemme give you the down-low:

1) Got over much of my guy curse. I still find plenty of men attractive but finally, a couple of spouted interest and a couple have totally rejected me without realizing it. This is just fine and dandy however because I learned from my mistakes, blah blah, and one day I know I'll marry the perfect guy for moi and be super fucking happy. Don't worry, I haven't fell off into the deep end just yet. Maybe I should. Maybe then I could learn more about myself. Which leads me to number...

2) I learned that I'm good at things. I can be the head receptionist/secretary person for a two year old department at a university. I can write and produce a radio show centered on local music and thusly, find such local music and keep in contact with the bands. This skill has made me the happiest in the girl. You know how I've talked about record producing and that my soul resembles an iPod but folks, this is so much richer. I feel like I've found my purpose (even though currently I'm sort of dreading working on the show for this week cuz I'm so damned tired). It's just crazy that I happened upon this job and that I'm loving it so much. Some guy recognized me. This other guy added me on facebook simply because I'm the host of the show. I don't know. It's just nuts. I also learned that hey, I can write pretty damn well. Sing alright. And am quite friendly/funny enough to get along with complete strangers who would then love to hang out with me.

Sigh. It's strange discovering all of these things at once.

3) I've also learned things about others: I'm not alone because a guy who happens to be in love with me is going through what I just went through (figuring out that sometimes its okay to be selfish). He's super-sensitive and it'll take time but lately, I've become so intuitive and good with advice that I've learned that sometimes, people will listen to anything you say but mostly, what makes sense. That people will give into temptation, suffer the repercussions and pick themselves back up *snap* like that. People are way stronger than they think (which includes me).

4) Also, I've learned how much I love the people in my life. My family...still working on the love for them but my dad bought me a fucking turntable for no reason other than he sees him in me and loves me. My mom is starting to feel like a really close friend than just a mother. My sister feels more or less like a mom than when we were kids but I can now safely defend her and fight for her. My nephews/niece...nuts and truly need some loving but I've realized right now, I'm not the girl for the job. Much less frustrating than praying to God to give me strength to help take care of them. I haven't given up, necessarily. Just given the reigns to my sister who's also stronger than she thinks.

My I've learned a lot about my friends. Some of them used me. I used some of them. I finally learned to just say 'no' and i don't mean to sex. One in particular I said 'yes' too HOWEVER I'm still sort of on the fence. (Is it weird that I want my first time to be with my first love who now refuses to talk to me for whatever stupid reason? And who I also broke up with because he pressured me into sex? Yeah, so much logic).

More importantly, I've discovered who my best friends are. One especially has been there along with me for what? Six years now? And we're still has goober-y as always. However, we've now matured so much that stepping back, I'm so glad I grew up with her on my side. We depend on each other a lot. At one time, I thought it was too much and at some point we both realized it and stepped back a little. But, now, it's like everything's just gravy no matter how thick the jungle is. And I love her for everything we've been through.

Okay, I'll stop with the sap.

The others have disappointed me in a lot of ways but a couple continue to surprise me. For example, Sensitive Guy has helped me to realize a lot of things but now I'm starting to think I'm using him and surprisingly, I care. Also surprisingly, I've realized when I'm starting to use people (most guys who just happen to like me. So, so wrong).

Older friends have gone on to (let's just say) otherthings which is just dandy except I'm still trying to hold on though my grip is slipping. It helped to go to the past but now, I want to run far, far away from it. Last time this strategy was terrible and very cowardly but I kind of want to put it on the wayside. For a long while.

God, I hate the past.

5) Now, continuing with the lessons learned, I also learned that I really want to ride a motorcycle. I want to learn krav maga and become a beast of an athlete trained both in body and in mind. I want to go to France more than I want to go to New York. And I don't really want a boyfriend right now.

Just sex.

Lots of sex.

That's right, children, your ol' Jacks is hornier than a cat in heat. I didn't realize just how big of a horndog I am. In fact, above mentioned best friend has suggested I should buy a vibrator and I'm really starting to consider using some of my next paycheck for such a purchase (aka it'll be a nice one). Finding privacy will prove to be difficult because my roommates have a penchant of hanging out at the apartment for far too long but I'll find a way. Plus there's that other guy who I've discovered likes me. I don't know how serious he wants to get, though. Ugh. I don't want to have the talk with him if you know what I mean. Plus there's ex who probably hasn't had sex yet either.

Hmm. How would that discussion go, you ask?

Me: Hey Terry! Remember when I broke up with you because you were pressuring me to have a sex with you? Well, I realized that I also wasn't sexually attracted to you so, sorry you were holding out for me for so long. Anddddd surprise! Let's do it now instead of waiting even longer. The past should just be forgotten. *big cheesy grin*

Terry: *blank expression* You're serious?

Me: Always.

Terry: Uhhh...I gotta go listen to country music and learn how to be a cowboy.

Yeah, see, it wouldn't turn out well AT ALL.

Vibrator, here I come.


1 comment:

Erin said...

Turn the music up in your room really loud and lock the door, lol. Or! Get a water-proof one and take it in the shower with you! lol Am I helping? :D LOVE YOU.